OA/AO (onder andere/among others): Herman Asselberghs
de Appel, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam
de Appel, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam

OA/AO (onder andere/among others) is a monthly series of screenings, presentations, and conversations that focuses around a single work or object. These intimate gatherings feature a range of special guests who are invited to talk about a recent project, idea, or thing, followed by a conversation in which we encourage audience participation. Through these short presentations, De Appel assembles an ongoing collage of the current critical and creative world, asking invited guests to think through and articulate a position towards the material they present, among others.
Wednesday, May 23, 19:00
Entrance 5 euro
Screening and discussion with Herman Asselberghs
For Now Video by Herman Asselberghs (2017, 33 mins)
In For Now the central two movements are panoramic shots and firm, vertical edits. These movements show shifts of place without the journey. Nature, the wind, movement occurring on its own: this seems to be the film’s real subject matter, which unfolds in waves. Locations appear, disappear, and come round again: Lewinsky Park, Maximilian Park, Habima Square, Lion Square, Zuccotti Park, Times Square, or pastoral landscapes at opposite ends of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a film running alongside events, alongside time. A contemporary film in the pure sense of the word - a way of being with time. The screening will be followed by a conversation moderated by De Appel’s Niels Van Tomme on artistic processes of sameness, repetition, and filming after the fact, as well as the position of the filmmaker within these. If you would like to attend, please rsvp to reservations [at] deappel.nl
About Herman Asselberghs
Brussels-based artist Herman Asselberghs focuses on the questioning of border areas between sound and image, world and media, poetry and politics. His installations and videos have been shown at Tate Modern, London; documenta X, Kassel; Centre Pompidou, Paris; M HKA, Antwerp; Deitch Projects, New York; International Film Festival Rotterdam. In 2007 he won the Transmediale Award in Berlin. Herman Asselberghs, who has published extensively on film and visual culture, teaches at the film department of Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel. He is a founding member of the Brussels production platform Auguste Orts.