Dave Beech
Curating in the 21st century
Curating in the 21st century
Curating in the 21st century
Library Material β on subject
New Art Gallery
New Art Gallery
Metropolis Rise: New Art from London β An exhibition and index of the current London scene
Metropolis Rise: New Art from London β An exhibition and index of the current London scene
Metropolis Rise: New Art from London β An exhibition and index of the current London scene
Library Material β on group show
Article Press
Article Press
Beauty β Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series

Beauty β Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Locating the Producers β Durational Approaches to Public Art
Locating the Producers β Durational Approaches to Public Art
Locating the Producers β Durational Approaches to Public Art
Library Material β on subject
4th Athens Biennale 2013 AGORA
4th Athens Biennale 2013 AGORA
4th Athens Biennale 2013 AGORA
Library Material β on group show
Curating and the Educational Turn

Curating and the Educational Turn
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
31. What are aesthetics? Hewitt & Jordan with Dave Beech

31. What are aesthetics? Hewitt & Jordan with Dave Beech
Library Material β on subject
Former West β Art and the Contemporary after 1989

Former West β Art and the Contemporary after 1989
Library Material β on subject
How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse

How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press