Andrej Monastirskij
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
Library Material β on group show
Folio Verlag
Folio Verlag
Subversive Practices β art under conditions of political repression, 60's β 80's, South America, Europe = Subversive praktiken β Kunst unter bedingungen politischer repression 60er-80er, Sudamerika, Europa
Subversive Practices β art under conditions of political repression, 60's β 80's, South America, Europe = Subversive praktiken β Kunst unter bedingungen politischer repression 60er-80er, Sudamerika, Europa
Subversive Practices β art under conditions of political repression, 60's β 80's, South America, Europe = Subversive praktiken β Kunst unter bedingungen politischer repression 60er-80er, Sudamerika, Europa
Library Material β on subject
Cantz Verlag
Cantz Verlag
flash art/heute Kunst No 76/77 July/August 1977
flash art/heute Kunst No 76/77 July/August 1977
flash art/heute Kunst No 76/77 July/August 1977
Library Material β magazine
Flash Art
Flash Art