Katarzina Kozyra (1963)
Videodreams – Between the cinematic and the theatrical
Videodreams – Between the cinematic and the theatrical
Videodreams – Between the cinematic and the theatrical
Library Material – on group show
Walther König
Walther König
Flash Art International 225
Flash Art International 225
Flash Art International 225
Library Material – magazine
Flash Art
Flash Art
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
The art of eastern Europe 2000+
collection Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
Library Material – on group show
Folio Verlag
Folio Verlag
Gerald Matt Interviews 2
Gerald Matt Interviews 2
Gerald Matt Interviews 2
Library Material – on group show
Kunsthalle Wien
Kunsthalle Wien
Gender Check – Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe
Gender Check – Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe
Gender Check – Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe
Library Material – on subject
Walther König
Walther König
The Power of Fantasy – Modern and Contemporary Art from Poland

The Power of Fantasy – Modern and Contemporary Art from Poland
Library Material – on group show
BOZAR Palais des Beaux-Arts
BOZAR Palais des Beaux-Arts
Flash Art International No. 246 January – February
Flash Art International No. 246 January – February
Flash Art International No. 246 January – February
Library Material – magazine
Flash Art
Flash Art
2 ou 3 Choses que j'ignore d'elles : pour un manifeste post(
)-féministe = 2 or 3 things I don't know about her : towards a post(
)-feminist manifesto
2 ou 3 Choses que j'ignore d'elles : pour un manifeste post(
)-féministe = 2 or 3 things I don't know about her : towards a post(
)-feminist manifesto
2 ou 3 Choses que j'ignore d'elles : pour un manifeste post(
)-féministe = 2 or 3 things I don't know about her : towards a post(
)-feminist manifesto
Library Material – on group show
FRAC Lorraine
FRAC Lorraine