Natasha Hulst
Natasha Hulst is the Schumacher Center’s Program Director for European Land Commons. Natasha’s role is to support international and national collaboration for land commons. Raising awareness of Community Land Trusts as a proven vehicle to broaden access to land in a fair, place-based, democratic, and voluntary manner. Additionally, she has established Stichting Grond van Bestaan, a Dutch Community Land Trust organisation supporting local commons and ecological stewardship of the land. Natasha is also the co-founder of Voedselpark Amsterdam, where she spearheads the preservation of farmland and the creation of a large-scale urban agroecological food park as a living lab for ecological solutions. Natasha has worked for more than 20 years at the nexus between economy and ecology. Including roles at the European Center for Nature Conservation, DOEN Foundation, Drawdown Europe and the Biomimicry Institute. Always combining social innovation for communities and nature-inspired innovation to support commons and conditions conducive to life.