Aria Spinelli

Aria Spinelli


Aria Spinelli is an independent curator and until recently has been a postdoctoral researcher for the NWO VIDI project, IMAGINART, at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) at the University of Amsterdam. Her PhD (Loughborough University, UK, 2021) analyses the ways in which curatorial practice is related to social imagination and performativity. Her main area of research investigates the relationships among art, activism, and political theory. A founding member of the artistic and curatorial collective Radical Intention, she was an associate researcher and member of the curatorial team of The Independent project at the MAXXI (National Museum of the XXI Century for art, Rome) from 2018 until 2020. Between 2015 and 2020 she was an external curator at the Pistoletto Foundation (Biella) and BOZAR, Center for Fine Arts (Brussels). She has published extensively in the art field and academic journals, and she is editor of the publication ‘Shaping Desired Futures‘ (NERO, 2018). Between 2009 and 2012 she was curator at the Isola Art Center (Milan).