Nadine Blankvoort

Nadine Blankvoort


Nadine Blankvoort is a critical researcher in topics related to migration and integration. She is a PhD Candidate at Maastricht University and based at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the research group. Participation and Environment.. Within her research Nadine uses Critical Discourse Analysis methodologies to uncover dominant and marginal discourses on integration in documentation such as pamphlets, textbooks, tests and websites, but also in policy documents. Additionally, she applied ethnographic methods to explore new technical practices in migrant integration governances. What messages do migrants receive about what to do in order to integrate? How should they live to show that they are 'integrated'? And what impact does this have on their lives in the Netherlands?

Nadine is the co-chair of the Civic Foundation; a foundation which attempts to stimulate discussion on a fundamentally different perspective on civic integration and integration in the Netherlands. As a researcher, Nadine is engaged broadly with topics on critical reflexivity and engages with decolonial and feminist theoretical perspectives. She is motivated by the space of combining scholarship with art, as a way to challenge dominant narratives in society.