Sean Cubitt
Eugenio Dittborn β Camino way, the airmail paintings (Las pinturas aeropostales) of Eugenio Dittborn
Eugenio Dittborn β Camino way, the airmail paintings (Las pinturas aeropostales) of Eugenio Dittborn
Eugenio Dittborn β Camino way, the airmail paintings (Las pinturas aeropostales) of Eugenio Dittborn
Library Material β on artist
Flash Art no 210 January-February 2000
Flash Art no 210 January-February 2000
Flash Art no 210 January-February 2000
Library Material β magazine
Flash Art
Flash Art
The Third Text Reader: On Art, Culture and Theory
The Third Text Reader: On Art, Culture and Theory
The Third Text Reader: On Art, Culture and Theory
Library Material β on subject
Continuum International Publishing Group
Continuum International Publishing Group
Video Vortex Reader β Responses to YouTube (INC Reader #4)
Video Vortex Reader β Responses to YouTube (INC Reader #4)
Video Vortex Reader β Responses to YouTube (INC Reader #4)
Library Material β on subject
Institute of Network Cultures
Institute of Network Cultures