Zdzislaw Sosnowski (1924β2018)
Lives/works in Warsaw (Poland)
Teresa en Zdzislaw Sosnowski β Film beyond cinema

Teresa en Zdzislaw Sosnowski β Film beyond cinema
Library Material β on artist
Galerie Jatki
Galerie Jatki
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
Library Material β on group show
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
Permafo and others
Poland: Photo Art (from Data-nr.27-sept.1977)
Permafo and others
Poland: Photo Art (from Data-nr.27-sept.1977)
Permafo and others
Poland: Photo Art (from Data-nr.27-sept.1977)
Library Material β article
1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive

1,2,3β¦ Avant-Gardes: Film/Art between Experiment and Archive
Library Material β on group show
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
CCA Ujazdowski Castle
flash art No 46-47 June 1974
flash art No 46-47 June 1974
flash art No 46-47 June 1974
Library Material β magazine
Flash Art
Flash Art
Permafo bulletin 1978/12
Permafo bulletin 1978/12
Permafo bulletin 1978/12
Library Material β magazine