Simon Sheikh
Joachim Koester β Different stories different places
Joachim Koester β Different stories different places
Joachim Koester β Different stories different places
Library Material β on artist
Kunsthalle Nurnberg
Kunsthalle Nurnberg
We are all normal and we want our freedom β a collection of contemporary nordic artists writings
We are all normal and we want our freedom β a collection of contemporary nordic artists writings
We are all normal and we want our freedom β a collection of contemporary nordic artists writings
Library Material β on subject
Black Dog Publishing
Black Dog Publishing
3. Berlin Biennale fΓΌr ZeitgenΓΆssische Kunst
3. Berlin Biennale fΓΌr ZeitgenΓΆssische Kunst
3. Berlin Biennale fΓΌr ZeitgenΓΆssische Kunst
Library Material β on group show
Berlin Biennale
Berlin Biennale
Under Construction: Perspectives on Institutional Practice
Under Construction: Perspectives on Institutional Practice
Under Construction: Perspectives on Institutional Practice
Library Material β on subject
Walther KΓΆnig
Walther KΓΆnig
Under Construction: Perspectives on Institutional Practice
Under Construction: Perspectives on Institutional Practice
Under Construction: Perspectives on Institutional Practice
Library Material β on subject
Walther KΓΆnig
Walther KΓΆnig
In the Place of the Public Sphere

In the Place of the Public Sphere
Library Material β on subject
Public Art as Publicity
Public Art as Publicity
Notes on Institutional Critique
Notes on Institutional Critique
Notes on Institutional Critique
Library Material β article
Under (DE)construction β Perspectives on cultural diversity in visual and performing arts
Under (DE)construction β Perspectives on cultural diversity in visual and performing arts
Under (DE)construction β Perspectives on cultural diversity in visual and performing arts
Library Material β on subject
CAPITAL (it fails us now)
CAPITAL (it fails us now)
CAPITAL (it fails us now)
Library Material β on subject
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
The Biennial Reader β An Anthology on Large-Scale Perennial Exhibitions of Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
Cantz Verlag
Cantz Verlag
Between the images Imaginable Experiences for Future Memories
Between the images Imaginable Experiences for Future Memories
Between the images Imaginable Experiences for Future Memories
Library Material β on group show
Agonistic Academies
Agonistic Academies
Agonistic Academies
Library Material β on subject
Sint-Lukas Books
Sint-Lukas Books
Art and contemporary critical practice β reinventing institutional critique

Art and contemporary critical practice β reinventing institutional critique
Library Material β on subject
Performing the Institution(al) volume 2
Performing the Institution(al) volume 2
Performing the Institution(al) volume 2
Library Material β on group show
Kunsthalle Lissabon
Kunsthalle Lissabon
The Shadowfiles β 3 β 2013 β Curatorial Education

The Shadowfiles β 3 β 2013 β Curatorial Education
Library Material β magazine
de Appel
de Appel
On Horizons β A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

On Horizons β A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
Performing the Institution(al) β vol. 3
Performing the Institution(al) β vol. 3
Performing the Institution(al) β vol. 3
Library Material β on group show
Kunsthalle Lissabon
Kunsthalle Lissabon
Grand Domestic Revolution β Handbook

Grand Domestic Revolution β Handbook
Library Material β on subject
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
programme booklet
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
programme booklet
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
programme booklet
Library Material β on subject
CURATING SUBJECTS β SΓΆren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen, Julie Ault, Carlos Basualdo, Dave Beech & Mark Hutchinson a.o.

CURATING SUBJECTS β SΓΆren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen, Julie Ault, Carlos Basualdo, Dave Beech & Mark Hutchinson a.o.
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
Curating and the Educational Turn

Curating and the Educational Turn
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?

The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Curating Research β Occasional Table

Curating Research β Occasional Table
Library Material β on subject
de Appel
de Appel
Manifesta Journal β Future(s) of cohabitation

Manifesta Journal β Future(s) of cohabitation
Library Material β on subject
Manifesta Foundation
Manifesta Foundation
MJ β Manifesta Journal #17 Future(s) of Cohabitation

MJ β Manifesta Journal #17 Future(s) of Cohabitation
Library Material β magazine
Manifesta Foundation
Manifesta Foundation
Vectors of the Possible
Vectors of the Possible
Vectors of the Possible
Library Material β on group show
Former West β Art and the Contemporary after 1989

Former West β Art and the Contemporary after 1989
Library Material β on subject
Open 2009 β No.16 β The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Open 2009 β No.16 β The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Open 2009 β No.16 β The Art Biennial as a Global Phenomenon
Library Material β magazine
Letter to Jane (Investigation of a Function)
Letter to Jane (Investigation of a Function)
Letter to Jane (Investigation of a Function)
Library Material β article
Constitutive effects β The techniques of the curator
Constitutive effects β The techniques of the curator
Constitutive effects β The techniques of the curator
Library Material β article
The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?

The curatorial conundrum β what to study? what to research? what to practice?
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse

How Institutions Think β Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press
Future Publics (The Rest Can and Should be Done by the People)
A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

Future Publics (The Rest Can and Should be Done by the People)
A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art
Library Material β on subject
Curating After the Global
Roadmaps for the Present

Curating After the Global
Roadmaps for the Present
Library Material β on subject
MIT Press
MIT Press