Tomasz Konart
Lives/works in Warsaw (Poland)
archive presentation
Tomasz Konart β Fotografia 1977 β 1979

Tomasz Konart β Fotografia 1977 β 1979
Library Material β on artist
Galerie PO Box 17
Galerie PO Box 17
Tomasz Konart, Janusz Baldyga β False News β Falszywe Wiadomosci β False News

Tomasz Konart, Janusz Baldyga β False News β Falszywe Wiadomosci β False News
Library Material β on artist
Galerie PO Box 17
Galerie PO Box 17
FABRYKA β Ryszard Wasko β a combined effort of artists

FABRYKA β Ryszard Wasko β a combined effort of artists
Library Material β on group show
Works and words. International art manifestation Amsterdam

Works and words. International art manifestation Amsterdam
Library Material β on group show
de Appel
de Appel
Konstrukcja w Procesie β Construction in Process

Konstrukcja w Procesie β Construction in Process
Library Material β on group show
Thousand Secretaries Press
Thousand Secretaries Press