Harun Farocki (1944)
1944, Germany, lives/works in Berlin.
Farocki attended the Deutsche Film-und Fernsakademie in Berlin from 1966 till 1968. He has made around ninety films and videos, including three feature films and a number of documentaries. Between 1974 and 1984 he published the journal Filmkritik, for which he also wrote articles. Farocki has developed a critical manner of cinematography that concentrates on the image as a means of technical control. His films vary, both stylistically and in terms of content, from the psychological thriller Betrayed (1985) to the filmic essay with which Farocki is mainly associated: How to live in the German Federal Republic (1990), Videograms of a Revolution (1992), Workers leaving the factory (1995), I Thought I Was Seeing Convicts (2000) and Eye/Machine I-III (2001-2003) which was shown in 2004 in the ‘Carnegie International’ in Pittsburgh.
Casino Luxembourg

MIT Press
Kunsthalle Nurnberg
Walther König

Public Space With A Roof
Walther König
Walther König
Les Presses du Réel
Sternberg Press

Sternberg Press

MIT Press

JRP Ringier

Mousse Publishing

Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture UMBC

MIT Press

Migros Museum