For Reasons of State
- Type
- on group show
- Author
- Angelique Campens, Erica Cooke, Steven Lam
- Artist
- Jenny Holzer, Bik Van der Pol, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Trevor Paglen, Mark Lombardi, Lin + Lam, Julia Meltzer and David Thorne, Ben Rubin, Susan Schuppli
- Publisher
- Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 2008
- Venue
- Whitney museum, New York
- Code
See also
Iconoclastic Delights
Iconoclastic Delights
Iconoclastic Delights
Future Imperfect β Contemporary Art Practices and Cultural Institutions in the Middle East: Visual Culture in the Middle East
Future Imperfect β Contemporary Art Practices and Cultural Institutions in the Middle East: Visual Culture in the Middle East
A Grammar of the Multitude β For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life
A Grammar of the Multitude β For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life
vers un nouvel activism β towards a new activism
vers un nouvel activism β towards a new activism
vers un nouvel activism β towards a new activism
Flying Money 2018 β Investigating Illicit Financial Flows in the City
Flying Money 2018 β Investigating Illicit Financial Flows in the City