Mystic Truths
- Type
- on group show
- Author
- Ann Demeester
- Artist
- Bruce Nauman, A.P. Komen, Karen Murphy, Barbara Visser, Jennifer Tee, Thomas Zipp, Omer Fast, Joachim Koester, Laurent Grasso, Annette Messager, David Hatcher, Loris Gréaud, Mungo Thomson, Dane Mitchell, Dwyer, Mikala, Maria Loboda, Liz Maw, Olivia Plender
- Venue
- Auckland Art Gallery
- Code
See also
If you want, we'll travel to the moon together – Twaalf verkenningen van kunst en globalisering
If you want, we'll travel to the moon together – Twaalf verkenningen van kunst en globalisering
If you want, we'll travel to the moon together – Twaalf verkenningen van kunst en globalisering
Double Dutch – Fluiten in het Donker (Whistling in the Dark), Amsterdam
Double Dutch – Fluiten in het Donker (Whistling in the Dark), Amsterdam
Double Dutch – Fluiten in het Donker (Whistling in the Dark), Amsterdam
Cultures of the Curatorial
Cultures of the Curatorial
Museums of Tomorrow – A Virtual Discussion
Museums of Tomorrow – A Virtual Discussion
Museums of Tomorrow – A Virtual Discussion
Curating After The Global
Curating After The Global
Hors Sol - Reflexionen zur Ausstellungspraxis / Reflexions sur la pratique de l’exposition 1997
Hors Sol - Reflexionen zur Ausstellungspraxis / Reflexions sur la pratique de l’exposition 1997