tektonik – New social onthology in the time of total communication

- Title
- tektonik – New social onthology in the time of total communication
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Raqs Media Collective, Saskia Sassen, Geert Lovink, Steve Kurtz, Miã Flor, Konrad Becker, Kristian Lukic, Relja Drazic
- Publisher
- Daniel Print, Novi Sad, 2004
- Venue
- kuda.org, Novi Sad
- Code
- Details
- 149 pages, Serbian English
Radiodays 2005
http://www.kuda.org/ kuda.org is a non-profit organisation of artists, theorists, media activists and researchers in the field of ict (information and communication technologies). It explores critical approaches towards ict and emphasizes creative rethinking in raising network society. kuda.org is content providing platform for new cultural practices, media art production and social layout.
See also