Jeff Wall – Figures and places. Ausgewählte Werke von 1978 bis 2000
- Type
- on artist
- Author
- Boris Groys, Jean-Christophe Ammann, R. Lauter, H. Dickel, J. Tumir, J. Gaines, J-F. Chevrier, B. Reiß, Italo Calvino
- Artist
- Jeff Wall
- Publisher
- Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, 2001
- Venue
- Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- Code
- WALL-J-5
See also
15.04.2021, 20:00–22:00 (CET)
15.04.2021, 20:00–22:00 (CET)
Alan Belcher
Alan Belcher
Alan Belcher
22nd International Biennal of Soa Paulo 1994: Franz Graf, W,C.Feminino, W.C.Masculino
22nd International Biennal of Soa Paulo 1994: Franz Graf, W,C.Feminino, W.C.Masculino
22nd International Biennal of Soa Paulo 1994: Franz Graf, W,C.Feminino, W.C.Masculino
Antoni Mikolajczyk – Documentation actions photography video 1970/1979
Antoni Mikolajczyk – Documentation actions photography video 1970/1979
Allan Sekula – Ship of Fools/The Dockers' Museum
Allan Sekula – Ship of Fools/The Dockers' Museum