SZINE #2 – Cultural Diplomacy - Reflecting on Present Institutional Mechanisms and Speculating on Alternative Cultural Practice

- Title
- SZINE #2 – Cultural Diplomacy - Reflecting on Present Institutional Mechanisms and Speculating on Alternative Cultural Practice
- Type
- on group show
- Author
- Jonas Staal, Adam Szymczyk, Keti Chukhrov, Yazan Khalili, Vasyl Cherepanyn, Merve Bedir, Lisa Ito
- Editor
- Charl Landvreugd
- Publisher
- Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2022
- Code
- NL-AMS-STE-116
- Details
- 38 pages, 17.0 × 22.5 cm, English
book softcover, serial publication - ISBN
- 9789050062220
S(tedelijk)zine is an irregularly published zine that shares pressing research on the subjectivity of the museum in the cultural landscape. Together with Stedelijk Studies—the online platform that sets out to expand the online peer-reviewed Stedelijk Studies Journal—Szine is a catalyst that brings research into aesthetic, ethical, or social issues at the Stedelijk to a wider audience. A limited print run is on sale at the museum shop, and it is free online as a PDF in English or Dutch.