Missing Scripts β Alphabetum IV
- Title
- Missing Scripts β Alphabetum IV
- Type
- on group show
- Author
- Johannes Bergerhausen
- Artist
- Ilka Helmig
- Publisher
- West Den Haag, 2019
- Venue
- West Den Haag
- Code
- Details
- 59 pages, 11.5 × 19.0 cm, English
book softcover, serial publication
Missing Scripts is the third project in the Alphabetum and has been compiled by designer researcher Johannes
Bergerhausen and artist Ilka Helmig
The Alphabetum is an artistic space to explore the
formative and formal aspects of language. These aspects
are mostly considered separate. Typographers and typedesigners are primarily focused on the letterform and
writers mostly do not pay attention to the forms of the
letters they form into words. The ambition of the Alphabetum is to reveal that these two properties of written
language are much more interlinked than is commonly
acknowledged. A letter is a letter because it resembles
a letter; and because it resembles a letter it is a letter.
See also