Museum of Capitalism
- Title
- Museum of Capitalism
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Lucy Lippard, Ingrid Burrington, Jennifer GonzΓ‘lez, Chantal Mouffe, TJ Demos, McKenzie Wark, Stephen Squibb, FICTILIS, J.K. Gibson Graham, Steven Cottingham, Lester K. Spence, Heather Davis, Kevin Killian, Chiara Bottici, Ian Alan Paul, Calum Storrie, Susannah Sayler, Edward Morris, Sasha Lilley, Sarrita Hunn, James McAnally, Kim Stanley Robinson
- Artist
- Chris Ballantyne, Chris Collins, Tom Miller, Erika Osbourne, Christine Howard Sandoval, Chip Thomas, Terri Warpinski, Jesse Vogler, Winter Count Collective
- Editor
- FICTILIS, Rose Linke, Eugenia Bell
- Publisher
- Inventory Press, 2017
- Venue
- Museum of Capitalism
- Code
- Details
- 168 pages
- 9781941753156
Examines the exhibition concept.
Offers a glimpse into its controversial project of untimely memorialization. Published contemporaneously with the opening of Museum of Capitalism in Oakland, California.
See also
Chris Burden β Beyond the limits
Chris Burden β Beyond the limits
Bedrijvige Musea β Private Betrokkenheid in de Praktijk
Bedrijvige Musea β Private Betrokkenheid in de Praktijk
Bedrijvige Musea β Private Betrokkenheid in de Praktijk
Grrr β Conflictbeheersing in 75 lessen
Grrr β Conflictbeheersing in 75 lessen
Grrr β Conflictbeheersing in 75 lessen
Future Imperfect β Contemporary Art Practices and Cultural Institutions in the Middle East: Visual Culture in the Middle East
Future Imperfect β Contemporary Art Practices and Cultural Institutions in the Middle East: Visual Culture in the Middle East
Palais de Tokyo β What Do You Expect from an Art Institution in the 21st Century?
Palais de Tokyo β What Do You Expect from an Art Institution in the 21st Century?
Warme gevoelens en koude rillingen β Over musea en odes aan de saamhorigheid
Warme gevoelens en koude rillingen β Over musea en odes aan de saamhorigheid
Warme gevoelens en koude rillingen β Over musea en odes aan de saamhorigheid