Art in the Age of...
- Title
- Art in the Age of...
- Type
- on group show
- Artist
- Sven Augustijnen, Adam Broomberg, Trevor Paglen, Susan Schuppli, Abbas Akhavan, James Bridle, Chanarin, Crass, Claire Evans, John Gerrard, Terence Gower, Isao Hashimoto, Glenn Kaino, Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Jacob Appelbaum, Mohammad Salemy, Tom Tlalim, Nida Sinnokrot, Thomson & Craighead, José Antonio Vega Macotela
- Editor
- Defne Ayas, Adam Kleinman, Natasha Hoare
- Publisher
- Melly, Rotterdam, 2015
- Venue
- Witte de With, Rotterdam
- Code
- Details
- 176 pages
- 9789491435430
Exhibition title: Art In The Age Of…Asymmetrical Warfare
See also
Perder la forma humana. Una imagen sĂsmica de los años ochenta en AmĂ©rica Latina
Perder la forma humana. Una imagen sĂsmica de los años ochenta en AmĂ©rica Latina
Perder la forma humana. Una imagen sĂsmica de los años ochenta en AmĂ©rica Latina
Bianca Stigter – Atlas van een bezette stad
Amsterdam 1940-1945
Bianca Stigter – Atlas van een bezette stad
Amsterdam 1940-1945
Sophie Ristelhueber – Aftermath
Sophie Ristelhueber – Aftermath
Sophie Ristelhueber – Aftermath
The Eye of History – When Images Take Positions
The Eye of History – When Images Take Positions
SCUM Manifesto
SCUM Manifesto
Fabio Mauri – Manipulazione di cultura, La nuova foglio edritrice
Fabio Mauri – Manipulazione di cultura, La nuova foglio edritrice