F.R.DAVID [A] – 'The Book of Intentions'

- Title
- F.R.DAVID [A] – 'The Book of Intentions'
- Type
- magazine
- Author
- Will Holder, Yulia Aksenova, Jesse Birch, Sarah Farrar, Inti Guerrero, Virginija Januskeviciute, Nell Donkers, Dieter Roelstraete, Ann Demeester, Edna van Duyn
- Artist
- Julius Koller, Noa Giniger, Cildo Meireles, Charles Dickens, Seth Price, Ricardo Cuevas, The Faculty of Invisibility, Richard Zenith
- Editor
- Will Holder
- Publisher
- de Appel, Amsterdam, 2008
- Code
- APPEL-LIB-200804/02
- Subcollection
- publications CP, publications de Appel
This publication serves as first book-end to the exhibition project Master Humphrey's Clock.