Memory – Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
- Title
- Memory – Whitechapel Documents of contemporary art series
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Rabih Mroué, Tom Burr, Jan Verwoert, Victor Burgin, Robert Morris, Gaston Bachelard, Richard Hamilton, Nicolas Bourriaud, Daniel Birnbaum, Gilles Deleuze, Peggy Phelan, Okwui Enwezor, Martin Jay, Pil & Galia Kollectiv, André Breton, Hélène Cixous, Tom McDonough, Briony Fer, Joseph Cornell, Hal Foster, Michael Newman, Johanna Burton, TJ Demos, Siegfried Kracauer, Georges Perec, Michael Sheringham, Margaret Iversen, Ollivier Dyens, Maurice Halbwachs, Abigail Levine, Roger Malbert, Pierre Nora, Megan Ratner, Hans Rudolf Reust, Paul Ricoeur, Lisa Saltzman, Lauren Sedofsky, Roger Shattuck, Bernard Stiegler, Peter Suchin, Margaret Sundell
- Artist
- Marina Abramovic, Pierre Huyghe, Rodney Graham, Uta Barth, Anri Sala, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Jane and Louise Wilson, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Sophie Calle, Rabih Mroué, Tom Burr, Stan Douglas, Sharon Hayes, Tacita Dean, Susan Hiller, Lorna Simpson, Roni Horn, Zoe Leonard, William Kentridge, Robert Morris, Félix González-Torres, Richard Hamilton, Vivan Sundaram, Kota Ezawa, Kutluğ Ataman, Amar Kanwar, Walid Raad, Glenn Ligon, Uriel Orlow, Idris Khan, Joseph Cornell, Cheryl Dunye, Ilán Lieberman, Elizabeth Manchester, Fazal Sheikh
- Editor
- Ian Farr
- Publisher
- MIT Press, Cambridge, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 2012
- Code
- THEO-WC-21
- Details
- 240 pages
See also
Art Since 1900
Modernism, Antimodernism and Postmodernism
Art Since 1900
Modernism, Antimodernism and Postmodernism
Art Since 1900
Modernism, Antimodernism and Postmodernism
A Brief History of Curating
A Brief History of Curating
A Brief History of Curating
Art and the Power of Placement
Art and the Power of Placement
Art and the Power of Placement
An Anthology of Statements – Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of White Columns
An Anthology of Statements – Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of White Columns
An Anthology of Statements – Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of White Columns