Wounded time – Avantgarde zwischen Euphorie und Depression
- Type
- on group show
- Author
- Christian Philipp Muller, Loers, van Dyke, Hannelore Kersting, Kugler, Mascelloni, Dopke
- Artist
- Jonathan Meese
- Publisher
- Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 2000
- Code
See also
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art – Volume 8, Number 1, 2007 – Post-Medium
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art – Volume 8, Number 1, 2007 – Post-Medium
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art – Volume 8, Number 1, 2007 – Post-Medium
Art after modernism
Art after modernism
Art after modernism
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Aldo van Eyck – Niet om het even …… wel evenwaardig. Van en over Aldo van Eyck
Aldo van Eyck – Niet om het even …… wel evenwaardig. Van en over Aldo van Eyck
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Art Is Not What You Think It Is