De Appel Bulletin β 1983 No 3/4

- Title
- De Appel Bulletin β 1983 No 3/4
- Type
- magazine
- Publisher
- de Appel, Amsterdam, 1983
- Code
- APPEL-LIB-1983/03
- Subcollection
- publications de Appel
In Memoriam
Wies Smals, Josine van Droffelaar, Gerhard von Graevenitz, Martin Barkhuis, Hendrik Smals
Project De Appel
5 Silvia Steiger Erdzeichen im dunenlande bei Castricum
12 Tom Puckey Five Houses
18 Felix Hess Croaking an chirping
20 Johan Cornelissen Journey along the equator
26 Nicolaus Urban Principle and material force song for elephants
Artistsβ contributions
8 Dorit Cypis Still Cinema: talking pictures
10 Bert Mebius in search of spice no.3
17 Jan Nederveen Restaurant Europa
Other articles
24 Lily van Ginneken Artists initiatives- the address list as identity