Rotterdam Dialogues – The Critics – The Curators – The Artists
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Pierre Bismuth, Jeff Wall, Sarah Morris, Jimmy Robert, Spartacus Chetwynd, Seth Siegelaub, Nicolas Bourriaud, Willem de Rooij, Sven Lutticken, Judy Radul, Hou Hanru, Dieter Roelstraete, Judy Freya Sibayan, Raimundas Malašauskas, Doug Fishbone, Edgar Schmitz, Danai Anesiadou, Bart de Baere, Ho Tzu Nyen, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Ann Demeester, Jan Hoet, Adam Budak, Tim Griffin, Beatrix Ruf, Enrico Lunghi, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Sina Najafi, Mark Rappolt, Koen Kleijn, Melissa Gronlund, Kitty Scott, Piero Golia, Paul O'Neill
- Publisher
- Melly, Rotterdam, 2010
- Venue
- Witte de With, Rotterdam
- Code
See also
Changing – Essays in art criticism
Changing – Essays in art criticism
Vampire in the text – Narratives of contemporary art
Vampire in the text – Narratives of contemporary art
Vampire in the text – Narratives of contemporary art
Cultures of the Curatorial 3 – Hospitality – Hosting Relations in Exhibitions
Cultures of the Curatorial 3 – Hospitality – Hosting Relations in Exhibitions
Great Transformations: On the Spiritual in Art, Again.
Great Transformations: On the Spiritual in Art, Again.
Great Transformations: On the Spiritual in Art, Again.
Eat the frame
Eat the frame
Eat the frame
Curating Degree Zero
An international Curating Symposium
Curating Degree Zero
An international Curating Symposium
Curating Degree Zero
An international Curating Symposium