Art After Conceptual Art
- Title
- Art After Conceptual Art
- Type
- on subject
- Author
- Henrik Olesen, Helmut Draxler, Isabelle Graw, Ricardo Basbaum, Helen Molesworth, Edit András, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Thomas Crow, Luiza Nader, Gregor Stemmrich, Elizabeth Ferrell
- Editor
- Sabeth Buchmann, Alexander Alberro
- Publisher
- Generali Foundation, Vienna, 2006
- Code
See also
Conventions in contemporary art – lectures and debates Witte de With 2001
Conventions in contemporary art – lectures and debates Witte de With 2001
An Anti-Catalog
An Anti-Catalog
Exiles, Diasporas and Strangers
Exiles, Diasporas and Strangers
Exiles, Diasporas and Strangers
The Century of Artists' Books
The Century of Artists' Books
Curiosity and Method – Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine
Curiosity and Method – Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine
Summer of 1966 – Jef Cornelis (With a bonus by François Morellet,1963) (DVD)
Summer of 1966 – Jef Cornelis (With a bonus by François Morellet,1963) (DVD)