Walk-through with Samson Young
Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam
Special Exhibition Tour with artist Samson Young
at Looiersgracht 60
27 July, 4pm
As part of Decoders - Recorders, exhibiting artist Samson Young leads a tour of his works featured in the exhibition,  including iterations of ongoing series To Fanon, Muted Situations and the never before exhibited Ancillary Motions.Â
Samson Young (Hong Kong, 1979) was trained as a composer and graduated with a Ph.D. in Music Composition from Princeton University in 2013. His academic background in music has led him to incorporate elements of experimental music, sound studies and site-specific performance into his distinctive contemporary art practice. His compositions, drawings, installations, radio broadcasts, and performances touch upon topics such as military conflict, identity, migration, and political frontiers past and present. Sound and its cultural politics are at the heart of a practice that interlays multiple narratives and references. The relationship between violence and sound is a recurrent line of investigation in Young’s work, which is often based on extensive research.
Please let us know you are attending by emailing: reservations [at] deappel.nl or valeria [at] looiersgracht60.org
The event is presented with support from Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh.Â